Ecosystem carbon project validation, verification and monitoring

Ecosystem Carbon Project Validation, Verification, and Monitoring

The Cambridge Centre for Environment works with clients to ensure ecosystem carbon sequestration projects generate credible carbon emission reductions (CERs) or carbon credits. Carbon management systems that allow for validation, verification and monitoring of ecosystem-based carbon sequestration projects are not only needed for accreditation, but also for enhancing the credibility of carbon emissions reductions (CERs) or carbon credits based on Verified Carbon Standard. We work with organizations or project owners to:

  • Setup operational monitoring, reporting and verification systems of natural carbon stocks, that meet the Best Practices of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC);
  • Measure and monitor carbon in vegetation and soils based on land area and carbon density for different land classes at multiple scales;
  • Advise project owners on selection of accreditation agencies for land-based carbon sequestration projects.
  • Conduct third party validation and verification of carbon sequestration projects based on Verified Carbon Standards;

A credible project validation, verification and monitoring system: provides a sound basis for mutual accountability of parties in a carbon trading market; ensures that both buyers and sellers of carbon take appropriate mitigation actions and commitments; facilitates national mitigation actions by establishing baselines and helping to identify policy options and potentials; and allows for reported actions to enhance international recognition; and enhances the effectiveness of the project through expert advice on how to improve them through the verification of actions.

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