Forest Management and Verification Course

Forest Management and Verification Course


  • Explain the benefits of verifying forest management systems as an environment and development tool;
  • Discuss the principles and practices of forest management verification in integrated resource natural management;
  • Explain the planning process for a forest management assessment and audit;
  • Explain the FSC verification principles, criteria, and standards for forest management and the verification;
  • Describe the verification process and its implications for marketing and promotion of verified forest systems; and
  • Prepare forest management verification reports.


  • Introduction to forest management verification
  • Principles of forest management verification
  • Planning for forest management assessments and audits
  • The verification process
  • Structure of the FSC and other forest certification standards
  • Interpretation of the 10 principles and 56 criteria for FSC forest management
  • Verification as a marketing and promotion tool
  • Case studies
  • Surveillance audits
  • Verification reports

Learning outcome

Forest Management Verifiers have a strong understanding of internationally recognized FSC verification standard and are able to use it to improve verify forest management systems.

Couse duration

4 days

Target Group

This course is suitable for potential and serving forest management verifiers and newly appointed Environmental Managers who need knowledge and skills forest management verification and reporting; Managers and staff with responsibility for planning, performance and reporting of any form of third party verification of forest management ranging from system compliance to full site reviews, monitoring and controls; ideal for Foresters and Lead Verifiers; and anyone intending to develop a career in validation and verification of forest management systems.


Apart from end of session quizzes, participants will take a test to assess their understanding of concepts, principles and applications of bioenergy.

Course dates

Contact the CCE for dates.


On completion of the course, each participant will receive a certificate to demonstrate that they have achieved an acceptable level of competence in the course.


£950 + VAT

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